Syntax theme for Atom, VSCode, and Sublime

Syntax theme for Atom, VSCode, and Sublime

I've designed a syntax theme that works in the most popular text editors for front-end development, including Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.

A dark syntax theme

The syntax theme is dark with high-contrast colours. The primary colour is a deep pink, with complementary colours including purple, blue, orange, and green. Syntax theme LESS syntax

A syntax theme for JavaScript and CSS

When developing this theme, I wanted it to look great in JavaScript, since that is where I spend a lot of my time. Photo of Tinacious Design syntax theme in an Ember.js application Screenshot of Tinacious Design syntax theme in an ES6 React app with JSX

Editor support

The theme is supported in a number of editors:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom

Visual Studio Code

You can get the theme from the Visual Studio Marketplace page. The feature set has been updated in April 2020. You can read about the updated features here. You can also install it right from VSCode by running the following command in the command palette:

ext install theme-tinaciousdesign

It should take you to the extensions tab.

Tinacious Design Light theme

Tinacious Design Dark theme

Sublime Text

You can get the theme for Sublime from Package Control. It's available from the install theme command—simply search "Tinacious Design."

Installing Tinacious Design syntax theme in Sublime Text


You can get it from the Atom themes site. You can also install it right from Atom—just go to the Settings, click on the Install tab, click Themes beside the search bar, and type in "Tinacious" or "tinacious-design."

Installing Tinacious Design syntax theme from the Install tab in Atom